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Life from a toxicological perspective

I’m Paulina Werner, a soon to be Toxicologist with a burning passion for neurotoxicology and understanding underlying mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders.

Hi! I’m Paulina.

I’m a master’s student in toxicology with a BSc in Biomedicine from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. After witnessing how both of my grandmothers disappeared behind the iron curtain of dementia, I decided that I wanted to know more about why people acquire dementia, other neurodegenative disorders and how toxins may play a role in developing these disorders. During my bachelor I got the opportunity to study the impact of the oxysterol 27-hydroxycholesterol on myelination in Alzheimer’s disease. The thesis was awarded the title “Regional winner” in Europe at the Undergraduate Awards.


In January 2019 I will go on an exchange to Singapore for almost 6 months to do my master’s thesis at the National University of Singapore in the lab of professor Lim Kah-Leong. If you want to know more about my adventures on the other side of the globe, check out my blog by clicking on the link below:

Read about my exchange